Quality Homebuilding Resources

The sheer volume of home building information on the internet can be overwhelming. So, we decided to create a list of our top recommended resources to help you in the homebuilding process.

Your One-Stop Resource Home-Builder-Tips.com
Home building and improvement ideas for your homes, interiors, gardens, and other residential spaces.

Ozone Equipment for Healthy Body and Home

We have been fans of ozone for various home uses for many years, but just recently became aware of the many health benefits, too. After much research, we found that Promolife is the highest rated company that provides a complete offering of ozone generators, accessories, and support. The generators are made of quality materials and are made in the United States. Check out their offerings here.

Investment-Grade Jewelry

With ever-rising inflation, it may be WISE to diversify your investments. Gold, silver, and platinum jewelry is very valuable, but the highest value is in "clean" jewelry, which means no stones, clasps, etc. that would lower the price if you chose to sell it to a dealer in the future. We've found a company that sells what they call "investment-grade" gold, silver, and platinum jewelry. We've compared them to other companies and found their prices to be very reasonable, comparatively speaking: Nebu Gold has some beautiful, simple designs, offering truly "clean" jewelry. Whether you wear the jewelry or store it, their jewelry may provide another way to stay ahead of inflation with your hard-earned money. NOTE: This is not investment advice. Consult a qualified investment advisor before purchasing any "investment-grade jewelry". Use the code elena_giorgio to get a 5% discount on your first order.

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